Saturday, December 10, 2011

chanuka candels

Hi it's me! I am writing to you because for the first time I rolled bees wax Chanukah candles!! me and my friend cleo took sheets of bees wax cut them in to 3ds and and rolled them with the wicks in the. it was really fun!!!!
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Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)Image by Larry Meade via FlickrFalco minor = Falco peregrinus minor, Peregrin...Image via Wikipediahi its me! lately i have been interested in birds favorite is the peregrine falcon so i thought i would give you some facts about it
  • it lives in city's
  • its the biggest falcon
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Friday, December 2, 2011

cant wait

Chanuka01Image via Wikipediacant wait tell Chanukah!! i am hand making all my family's gifts. its in 18 days!!!

well bye by for now

p.s. happy Chanukah/Christmas/kwanza
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Sunday, November 20, 2011

some more books

  1. well its been along time so more books!!
  1. Wild wood
  2. the penderwecks the whole sires!!
  3. the case of peculiar pink fan
  4. Novels in a Polish bookstore
    Image via Wikipedia
  5. adventurers of a cat whiskered girl
  6. fablehaven
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water colors

A watercolour painting set.Image via Wikipediawow its been a long time since i have posted !! i just want to tell you that I got some really good water colors!! pretty soon mom well take some pictures!!
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