Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Book reiew

This is April's guest review:

book title: uncollected

author: Paul Jennings

illustrator: Keith McEwan

my rating out of ten: 9.5/10

ages 9 to 12

this edition first published in 2002

This book has many stories in it and it is one of my favourite books I have ever read.
That is something to say, because I have read hundreds of books!
Anyway, uncollected has so many great endings and fantastic stories that I can't tell you anything!
It's all too extraordinary to reveal.
But what I must say is:
Paul Jennings is the best writer in Australia in my opinion and this book is certainly one to read!


Monday, February 18, 2013

Some stuff I wrote about tigers

English: Distribution of tigers over the world.
English: Distribution of tigers over the world. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Panthera tigris sumatran subspecies. ...
English: Panthera tigris sumatran subspecies. Français : Un tigre de Sumatra (Panthera tigris sumatrae). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Tiger (Photo credit: @Doug88888)


(Panthhera Tigres)

 Tigers are one of the most distinctive wild cats for their large size and identifiable stripes. There also very solitary. They weigh as much as 670 pounds and can be up to 9 feet long.Its large jaw and huge teeth allow it to bite down incredibly hard which helps it hunt. They are the third biggest carnivore on land.   Tiger are mostly nocturnal creatures and eat Birds, Deer and Elk, and even sometimes water buffalo . Tigers are an endangered spices do to hunting and habitat loss.Tigers are quite good swimmers and and do it often. Though there are very few white tigers naturally they are often bred in zoos.

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GBBC Birds


Now since you're reading this I assume You A.Like science B. Like me C. Like the stuff I post or D. Stumbled upon this blog via Google search. If any of these true keep reading! The purpose of this post is to introduce you to one of the biggest citizen science projects for birding run by are trusty friends at The Cornell Lab of Ornithology   and the audubon society. Today is the 4th day of Great backyard bird count! All you have to do to participate is go outside and record all the birds you see for fifteen minutes. Then send in you're list and well that's it! So what what are you waiting for? Get out and bird!

P.S. This isn't just for Americans either now you can submit you're findings from anywhere in the world!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Some photos


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Monday, February 4, 2013

Sewing machine!!!! And 50 posts!!

So many awesome things happening!! First I GOT A SEWING MACHINE!! My goal is to make to make My First Skirt from Sewing school. Also this post is The Fifty th  post!!! And so let us commemorate this event with rainbows! If you're interested here is the first post on my blog.
2013-02-04 21.18.25.jpg
My sewing machine!

P.S. More stuff with wax
2013-02-04 21.20.14.jpg